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What to take to a blog conference

What to take to a blog conference

Welcome back to Blog Conference Prep Week! In case you missed out on the first two days, you can find the one about business cards here and the one about pimping up those business cards here!

Blog Conference Prep Week on www.girllovesglam #blog #conference #tips

Now to move on with the series, I am going to tell you a few things to remember to take to blog conferences!

1. Business cards- Obviously, if I spent the last 2 days talking about them, they are important!

2. Your phone and phone charger- If you have a smart phone, chances are, you will take most of your photos with your phone. Then your phone will die and you will need your phone charger.

3. Your DSLR- I didn’t use mine at ALL this year, but I realized it is because I never did what I wanted to do with it. Don’t plan on taking your nice camera to the classes because chances are, you won’t use it there. Take your DSLR so that your friends can take new head shots of you or so that you can get great pictures of your surroundings and the people who are at the conference.

4. Clothing you are comfortable in- Be sure you feel like yourself at blog conferences. You want to represent your blog well, but you want to be comfortable with what you are wearing. That doesn’t mean sweats, it just means clothes that you feel like yourself in!

5. Roomie gifts- I know this sounds cheesy, but nothing kicks off a blog conference quite like getting presents from your roomies! It is really fun! They don’t need to be big, just a little something to show them you care.

Kaylynn Young

Thursday 25th of April 2013

LOVE this. Simple, concise, and perfect.

I totally brought my DSLR and didn't even break it out - what a failure. Oh well, right?

So nice to meet you for REAL - you're too cool and I love you. Plus, I'm stalking you in every way possible now. Just sayin.. Kaylynn