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Service Advent Calendar for Kids

Service Advent Calendar for Kids

The excitement of Christmas is here! One of my favorite traditions about Christmas is doing an advent calendar. We always do fun ones with little trinkets for my kids to open but I really wanted to add another one to our home this year with more meaning. That’s when I decided to come up with a service advent calendar that is full of small acts of service that kids can do each day. These aren’t big projects at all. Small things that have them serving mostly in their own home. My hope is that it will teach kids that they can serve those they are around everyday. Service doesn’t need to be some grand gesture! The holiday season is the perfect time to teach that. I hope you enjoy this service advent calendar for kids as much as we do!

Kids Service Advent Calendar Printable 

This advent calendar is really easy to put together. We wanted to have our own little tree that these ornaments could go on. I was able to find this tree for only $15 at Hobby Lobby but you could totally just add it to your family tree, if you don’t want to add another tree. 

Service Advent Calendar for Kids

We have a colored and a black and white version of the advent calendar so you can print off whatever version is best for your needs! Just click the link for the version you need below, download it, and print them off on cardstock paper. 

Service Advent Calendar for Kids (Colored)

Service Advent Calendar for Kids (Black and White)

Kids Service Advent Calendar Printable

Kids Service Advent Calendar

After you have printed out the advent calendar of your choice, cut out each of the circles and punch a small hole in the top of them. Thread twine, string, ribbon, or yarn through the hole to create the ornaments.

Printable Kids Advent Calendar

Now you have your service advent calendar all ready to go! We are keeping our ornaments in a small bowl next to the Christmas tree. Each day, my girls will find the day we are on and perform that small act of service to countdown to Christmas. 

Service Advent Calendar

It is a really small thing to do each day but I know that these small acts of kindness will add a really special holiday spirit into our home. I hope that it helps add that special spirit into your home as well! 

Here are some other great activities you can do with your kids this holiday season as well.

Snow Globe Ornament Christmas Kid Craft on DIY Puffy Paint Snowman Kid Craft on Christ Centered Christmas Angel Kids Craft on